What Healthcare Providers Need to Know About Tobacco Settlement Claims

A historic tobacco settlement has been approved in Canada, offering financial compensation to individuals who developed certain smoking-related illnesses.

Many patients will turn to their primary healthcare providers for assistance in gathering the necessary medical documentation for their claims. We’ve outlined what you need to know to support them. 

For a full overview of the settlement, visit our dedicated webpage

What Information Will Patients Need? 

Patients participating in the claims process may request medical records to verify their diagnosis. 

Note: To be eligible, patients must have smoked at least twelve pack-years of specific cigarette brands between January 1, 1950, and November 20, 1998. However, healthcare providers do not need to verify smoking history. Patients can determine their own eligibility using this Pack-Years Calculator. Patients can also learn more about what pack-years are and which cigarette brands are included by reading this article. 

Which Diagnoses Are Eligible? 

Patients must have been diagnosed between March 8, 2015 and March 8, 2019 with one of the following conditions: 

  • Lung Cancer 

  • Throat Cancer 

  • Emphysema/COPD (GOLD Grade III or IV) 

What Proof Must Patients Provide? 

To support their claim, patients will need one of the following documents: 

A) a copy of a pathology report which confirms the patient was diagnosed with Lung Cancer or Throat Cancer between March 8, 2015 and March 8, 2019 (inclusive of those dates); OR 

B) a copy of a report of a spirometry test performed on the patient between March 8, 2015 and March 8, 2019 (inclusive of those dates), that first demonstrated a FEV1 (non-reversible) of less than 50% of the predicted value to first establish a diagnosis of Emphysema/COPD (GOLD Grade III or IV) between March 8, 2015 and March 8, 2019 (inclusive of those dates); OR 

C) A copy of an extract from the patient’s medical file confirming the diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Throat Cancer or Emphysema/COPD (GOLD Grade III or IV) between March 8, 2015 and March 8, 2019 (inclusive of those dates); OR 

D) A completed Physician Form (which will be available on the Tobacco Claims Canada website when the claims process begins); OR 

E) A written statement from the patient’s Physician, or another physician having access to the patient's medical record, confirming the diagnosis of Lung Cancer or Throat Cancer or Emphysema/COPD (GOLD Grade III or IV) between March 8, 2015 and March 8, 2019 (inclusive of those dates) and providing at least one of the required records to verify the diagnosis and date of diagnosis. 

Where to Direct Patients for More Information 

If patients are unsure of how or where to submit a claim, please refer them to the official claims website: www.tobaccoclaimscanada.ca 

How to Stay Updated 

As more details become available, MANTRA will continue to share updates on our website and via our email newsletter. Healthcare providers are encouraged to subscribe to stay informed about the latest developments. 

By understanding your role in this process, you can help patients navigate the claims process more smoothly and ensure they have the necessary information to complete their claim. 

Related Resources 


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