Motivation Meter

Smoking affects almost every organ and system in your body. The good news is, the minute you stop smoking, your body begins to heal and get stronger.

Find the time since your last cigarette to see how your body is healing and how much money you’re saving.

  • Blood pressure and temperature of hands and feet return to levels before last cigarette.

    $0.63 extra money to spend.

  • Nicotine begins to leave system.

    $1.88 extra money to spend.

  • Carbon monoxide levels drop to normal so that oxygen is carried more efficiently.

    $7.85 extra money to spend.

  • Circulation and oxygen levels return to normal. Your chance of heart attack decreases.

    $31.40 extra money to spend.

  • Sense of taste and smell enhanced. Breath, hair, fingers, and teeth are cleaner.

    $110 extra money to spend.

  • Lung function increases up to 30% (in some cases it takes longer).

    $220 extra money to spend.

  • Cilia, the small hairs in your lungs, recover and remove more mucus from your system.

    $478 extra money to spend.

  • Coughing, congestion, fatigue, respiratory infections and shortness of breath decrease.

    $955 extra money to spend.

  • Excess risk of coronary heart disease is one-half that of a smoker.

    $5,731 extra money to spend.

  • Stroke risk is reduced to that of a non-smoker (in some cases it takes longer).

    $28, 653 extra money to spend.

  • Risk of lung cancer drops to about half that of a smoker.

    $57,305 extra money to spend.

  • Risk of heart disease is that of a non-smoker.

    $85,958 extra money to spend.